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Thornæs Cask Owner's Club

Thornæs Cask Owner's Club

Experience your very own raw spirit turn into Danish single malt whisky

When you buy a cask from Thornæs Distillery, you automatically become part of Thornæs Cask Owner's Club. An informal club that brings you a little closer to the experience of maturing raw alcohol for whisky here at our place in Kagerup, Denmark.

As the owner of a cask share you can look forward to:

  • A tasting bottle with 5 cl. New Spirit from the distillery's current production.
    • We send a New Spirit sample, so you can compare the starting point with the finished product (if you can refrain from drinking it …).
  • Invitation to a joint tasting at the distillery.
    • When a few years have passed - for small casks a couple and larger ones a little longer - it is time to assess the spirit together. We remove the bung and taste the young malt.
  • After 3 years, the New Spirit has been turned into whisky.
    • Check the terms for the cask in question and beware of when you will receive your purchase. Small casks mature faster than large ones, so the expected delivery time may vary.
Cask shares for sale