A 12 year old dream
Thornæs Distillery is the dream of a real whisky distillery in North Zealand, Denmark that develops, produces and market Danish Single Malt whisky. The dream belongs to copywriter, author, journalist and whisky enthusiast Torben Thornæs Andersen, who at the end of 2017 got the idea that he would like to taste his own 12-year-old whiskey before he turned 60 years old. Therefore, something should happen soon…
The dream sent him to Scotland, where travel through The Highlands and Speyside led to unique insights into one of the world's oldest whisky industries. The result was a professional network of extremely friendly and knowledgeable Scots, who have since helped shape the foundation of Thornæs Distillery.
With the good North Zealand barley right outside the door and plenty of clean, tasty groundwater beneath, Thornæs Distillery are situated at a prime spot in Denmark for producing Danish whisky of the highest quality. By maturing the whisky in 50-250 liter casks, the proces includes faster as well as slower maturation, revealing a more explorative approach to finding the perfect Thornæs whisky.
So, as it turns out many good Thornæs whisky will have been bottled well before Torben meets his deadline - even if the first releases are bound to be less than 12 years old.
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