225 liter STR barrel
In recent years, there has been a great deal of product development within used wooden barrels, and the STR barrel is one of the most important. STR stands for "Shaved, Toasted & Re-charred", and describes the process where 3-5 millimeters are scraped from the inside of used wine barrels, after which the wood is heated and toasted again. This removes most of the wine's influence, while the spirit gets access to fresh wood via the regenerated carbon membrane. The influence of the exposed wood also means that the maturation time is quite a bit shorter compared to, for example, whiskey aged in Bourbon casks.
The STR cask was invented by the legendary Jim Swan, also called "the Einstein of Whisky", and is known for highlighting the fruitier notes of the fresh wood along with a slight vinous influence from the wine. The STR cask is widely used in the industry and is an exciting innovation that we here at the distillery intend to explore.
We continuously fill STR kegs in our production and also have the option of setting a keg aside for a happy buyer.
About your dish:
- Grain type: Organic barley malt
- Malt type: Pale Ale
- Place of cultivation: Denmark
- Barrel: 225 liter STR barrel
- Wood type: White American oak, possibly in combination with French oak
- Filling time: TBA
- Filling strength: 63.5% alc/vol.
- Age at bottling: 5-6 years (further maturation can be purchased).
- Expected number of bottles at bottling: 260-280 pcs.
Your purchase breaks down as follows:
The first payment includes the purchase of the refilled New Make, as well as warehouse rent for up to 6 years. You can see the price of this payment at the top.
Other payment is collected at the time of bottling and is distributed as follows:
- Bottling of the matured whiskey at the current market price. Bottling takes place at cask strength in 70 cl. bottles and includes label
- Payment of excise duties in relation to delivery from our warehouse
See price example on the Become a barrel owner page, as well as the option to split the purchase into a payment with subsequent tranches.
Welcome to Father's Day
When you buy a cask share at Thornæs, you are automatically invited to Fadenes dag here at the distillery. Cask Day is a special day when we celebrate all the good whiskey that lies and matures in our casks. On the day there will be tastings and lots of extra info about the casks that are on the way and the whiskey that is ready to be enjoyed together.
The date of the next Fadenes day will be announced on the website and in our newsletter.
Tapped bottles are picked up at the distillery, or sent against freight. Shipping abroad by agreement. The general rules and conditions for the purchase of casks and cask shares can be found in our cask share programme, Thornæs Cask Owner's Club
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